About Us
The Ghanaian Doctors and Dentists Association UK (GDDA-UK) is a charitable organisation formed on 11th February 2006. It is for all doctors and dentists of Ghanaian origin, ancestry who are resident in the UK. It is essentially an organisation, which aims to speak with one voice for all its members in various aspects of their lives
and careers in the UK as well as their contribution to Ghana in the Health sector.
We have built ourselves on a foundation of truth and equality. Our aim is to unite Ghanaian healthcare professionals in the UK in one association. We continue to provide support and mentorship to our members. We see ourselves as a home away from home.

Our Regional Groups
Our Impact
GDDA-UK became a registered charity in 2010 in the UK and Wales, but the desire to give back goes right back to our inception as an organisation. With many of our founding members having trained in Ghanaian Universities, and having subsequently worked in the districts, we have seen first hand how much work there is to do to make health care accessible and of an acceptable standard right across our nation.
We won’t stop raising the profile of health, and we are committed to making a difference in whichever way we can by engaging with policy-makers, stake-holders and donating to specific charity projects which we think will make a big difference.
To find out more about the projects we have worked with, check out our blog.
Donated between 2020-2021
2020 | 2021
Covid Donations
In May 2020 we donated Covid related management and prevention items worth £7500 to 3 centres in Ghana – 2 hospitals and one high need community.
The following year on August 2021 we made a second wave of donations to 3 hospitals in Ghana. These Covid packs made up of Covid prevention and management items were worth £2400
2017 | 2018 | 2019
The Obstetric Fistula Fund
The Obstetric Fistula Fund works to restore the dignity of hundreds of women in Ghana who suffer from this totally treatable and preventable condition every year.
Obstetric fistula occurs worldwide, especially in communities with limited facilities for intervention during obstructed labour. Living in remote areas with limited facilities and poor education can lead to adverse outcomes for the mother and baby.
The recognition of the effects of the physical, mental and social well-being and economic impact on mothers who develop fistula has been neglected by governments. The fun gives these women a lifeline.
Equipment, Laptops, Training, Hours
2015 | 2016
Diabetic Paediatric Project
If you are poor, living in Ghana and suffer with an endocrine disease such as diabetes, getting the medication you need and having access to basic care to manage your disease may be incredibly hard.
In 2015-2917, GDDA-UK partnered with Dr Ameyaw to provide funding and testing strips to patients in rural Ghana.
Seminars and Educational Interventions
March 2016
Erectile dysfunction educational program held on ABN TV
May 2016
Hypertension and Exercise Prescription GDDA-UK seminar charity Education program held at the Likewise Christian Ministries’ International Churhc, Romford, UK.
June 2016
Sudden death in athletes’ inquest educational discussion held on GTV Sports channel in Ghana.
Hours + Skills
Resources Donated
Health Information Leaflet Publication
In March of 2016, we published health information leaflets on common medical conditions like Hypertension, Sickle Cell and Diabetes affecting the Ghanaian community in the UK.
They became available for free at the Ghana Embassy premises and also online.
The Paediatric Programme
Diabetes medical items and equipment were sent to Ghana by GDDA-UK for the Kumasi based Paediatric Diabetes Network Foundation Charity in Ghana.
Contact Hours
The Health Extension Programme
12 GDDA-UK members spent two weeks in Ghana in the August of 2008. During their trip, they visited various teaching and district hospitals across Ghana, providing support and training to their colleagues.
Providing Excellent Resources
In 2007, GDDA-UK donated the following to teaching institutions in Ghana:
1. 500 Oxford textbooks of Medicine and Accident & Emergency to the medical schools & Teaching Hospitals in Ghana including the libraries in the various district hospitals (July 2007)
2. Large quantity of recent prints of British Medical Journals and 10 reference copies of Prof. E Parry’s textbook on Tropical Medicine to the medical libraries in the Teaching and district hospitals and Ministry of Health (MOH) Ghana (July 2007)
3. The publication of health information leaflets on common medical conditions like Hypertension, Sickle Cell and Diabetes affecting the Ghanaian community in the UK which are available for free at the Ghana Embassy premises and also online.